Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Making the most of my MOOC

Yesterday (I think - time gets away) I followed and participated (a little) in a really interesting discussion from a blog titled 'uncomfortable with MOOC' on

I will repeat some of my thoughts here.

The post was thought provoking post and generated some really useful discussion. It also complemented some of the issues raised by Tony Bates impressive webinar which was also held that day (if you haven't seen it, it's really worth catching the recording). Tony talked about some of the challenges re designing MOOCs. I really liked his comment that just because it is open and learner directed doesn’t mean you cant give learning outcomes which set some kind of standard/guide especially re participation. I loved his example of “identify at least half a dozen people from the participants that you will be happy to continue to share ideas and network with after the course”.

As shared by other participants, I too have spent a lot of time in the last week reflecting on what is causing my areas of discomfort (this is my first MOOC) and trying to define some meaningful learning goals of my own (and what outcomes I can realistically achieve though my participation).

I don't doubt I will learn something significant, even if it is being put in the uncomfortable non-driving seat of the learner (that’s got to be meaningful). I am focused this week on looking for what tools and opportunities are available through this MOOC to help me achieve this, how I can create my own structure and finding strategies that work for me. The discussion thread helped a lot and provided some good practical suggestions (eg. just scanning titles in the feed and following up what looks like it fits with, or challenges, my goals, interest and/or thoughts; bookmarking blogs of interest for ease of check-in).

A MOOC is free but it's still our time. We are making the commitment to participate but we also have to make a commitment to be responsible for our own learning. So what have I done?

I started with revisiting and reality checking my expectations
  • What did I come to the MOOC wanting to get out of it?
  • What can I realistically get out of it?
  • What can I do to make this most likely to happen (I am an adult responsible for my own learning)

I cant answer all of these questions yet.

But a clear goal is to have access to some inspiring educators and I have (both from the facilitators arranged for us and increasingly I am discovering amongst my participant peers). I am articulating this learning outcome as "to develop and build on my personal learning network."

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